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Computer Science


Randolph College students work on code in programming class.

Why Study Computer Science at Randolph?



In addition to the core computer science courses, Randolph students explore data science, cyber security, game design, and other emerging fields.   


数学课程提高你理解计算机科学基本原理的能力, 并且对那些与计算机图形学有关的人特别感兴趣, cybersecurity, or algorithmic efficiency.




Degrees offered

Computer Science major (BS)

Computer Science and
Mathematics major (BS)

Computer Science minor

Data Science interdisciplinary minor

Curriculum and Courses

Related Programs



Data Science

Opportunities for Experience

(left to right) Professor Jia Wan, Mengjin Sun, 和Nhut Dang在他们的暑期研究项目中检验了Diffie-Hellman协议在安全加密方面的有效性.

Summer Research Program


Randolph’s intensive eight-week Summer Research Program enables students to work with professors on a research of their own design; live in a residence hall on campus, participate in on-campus summer events, attend special seminars with guest speakers; and share the progress and results of their research.

Learn more about the Summer Research Program.

Symposium of Artists and Scholars

Modeled after a traditional academic conference, SAS将所有学科的学生聚集在一起,分享学院最佳工作的成果和亮点-口头报告, readings of creative works, performances, exhibitions of student artwork, and poster presentations.

Learn more about the Symposium of Artists and Scholars.


Learn by doing – in the field and on the job.  职业发展中心将帮助你在你研究领域的领先公司和组织中找到职位.

Learn more about internship opportunities.

Community Service: Randolph College SciFest

Every year Randolph College students organize and host SciFest, a 3-day science and learning festival for local schoolchildren.

Randolph student and faculty volunteers lead activities, exhibits, labs, 以及旨在让年轻女孩和男孩对科学感兴趣和兴奋的演讲, technology, engineering, and  math (STEM).  

除了科学活动,为小学生和学龄前学生, guests enjoy national guest speakers, a Pi Day fun run, women in science panel,  poetry jam, LEGO league, drones and robots, petting zoo, and more.


Top Ranked Professors

365亚洲版学院的教师一直被认为是全国最好的. 在《365亚洲版》最新版的旗舰大学指南中,该学院被评为最平易近人的25位教授之一, The Best 389 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 25 for most accessible professors for more than a decade.

Computer Science Faculty

Marc Ordower

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Read More... Marc Ordower

Michael Penn

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Read More... Michael Penn

Brad Spendlove

Instructor of Computer Science

Read More... Brad Spendlove

Jasmine Wan

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Read More... Jasmine Wan

Only at Randolph


The Randolph Plan


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Money for Your Research

365亚洲版创新学生体验(RISE)项目为每位学生提供2美元,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.

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The Liberal Arts Advantage

365亚洲版的毕业生学会批判性地思考,解决问题和与他人合作. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

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每半学期上两门课意味着你可以专注并深入学习你的课程,同时还有时间享受大学生活的其余部分. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.

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Students begin summer research on the Eastern Shore of Virginia

该项目将海洋科学和计算机科学这两个领域结合在一起, at first glance, might not seem like a natural fit.

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Randolph announces new academic programs

Some of the programs, including computer science, marine science, and criminal justice/criminology, will be introduced for fall 2023.

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Students begin summer research on the Eastern Shore of Virginia

该项目将海洋科学和计算机科学这两个领域结合在一起, at first glance, might not seem like a natural fit.

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Randolph announces new academic programs

Some of the programs, including computer science, marine science, and criminal justice/criminology, will be introduced for fall 2023.

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Marc Ordower

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Credentials:B.A., University of Waterloo
Ph.D., State University of New York, Stony Brook
Associated Departments:Mathematics, Computer Science

News Headlines

Dr. 他以优异的成绩获得滑铁卢大学的本科学位, where he was a Descartes Scholar, and his Ph.D. from State University of New York at Stony Brook. 1994年,他在石溪大学获得了数学系优秀教学奖. Dr. Ordower教授并指导杜克大学人才识别项目的数学部门. He was a visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Texas A & M University before coming to Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in 2002. 他在线性代数、算子论和图论领域发表过文章.

While at Randolph College, Dr. Ordower已经为几位成功获得数学荣誉学位的候选人提供了建议, directed Summer Research students in Mathematics, 并管理了弗吉尼亚理工大学和帕特南大学的数学竞赛.


Brad Spendlove

Instructor of Computer Science

Associated Departments:Computer Science


Jasmine Wan

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Credentials:B.S., University of Science and Technology of China
Ph.D., University of Idaho
Associated Departments:Mathematics, Computer Science

News Headlines
